About Me

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I am a happily married new mom who loves exploring, creating new adventures and loving on my sweet daughter. I am a K-2 teacher who is now staying at home with my little one! Welcome as I explore all things a part of my sweet city love!
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What I'm Loving Wednesday

Happy to be linking up with Jamie today!

1. I'm loving my morning cup of Joe.  It truly makes me feel better.

2. I'm loving inspirational quotes.  This one is from Jamie today on her blog! It spoke to me and warms my soul.

3. I'm loving Leah over at Everyday Love who wrote about the joys and struggles of being a first time mom.  Again, my heart swelled with love for my little girl.

"But that is honestly the one thing I would tell new and soon to be moms.  
It is the best job you will ever have. 
It is the hardest job you will ever have. 
The days will be long. 
The years will be short. 
Don't beat yourself up because things are going as you originally planned. 
Let your baby be your guide.  
Your baby will tell you what he/she needs. 
Things will workout in the time they are supposed to and how. 
Soak up the cuddles and ask for help when you need it. 
Give all the love in the world.  

Just remember, there is no such thing as a perfect mom.
All you can really do is try your best, learn from your mistakes and enjoy each stage. 

Most importantly, get ready to experience a love like no other. "

4. I'm loving my sweet girl and how she has started sleeping sans swaddle!!! She sleeps in her Rock N Play every night (these are two post-milk naps).  The next step is transitioning from bassinet to crib...

4.  I'm loving that we have tried our best to travel with LC and help her build flexibility and comfort even when things aren't exactly the same as they are at home.

5. I love the relief that washes over me when we walk through our front door.  This little girl has brought an entire new feeling to "home."

6. I'm loving this adorable chair! I can picture LC sitting in it during cocktail/milk hour at the river :)

7. I'm loving this sweet life...

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