About Me

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I am a happily married new mom who loves exploring, creating new adventures and loving on my sweet daughter. I am a K-2 teacher who is now staying at home with my little one! Welcome as I explore all things a part of my sweet city love!
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Don't Look Back...

Don't Look Back is our city's newest version of holiness.  Yes - taco holiness - it does exist.  I've been a mere 4 times since it opened a few months ago and already can't wait to return.  Everything is so fresh and every single time my taco has tasted a little different. Now some would call that inconsistent - I call it homemade!  What will this trip taste like - it's a culinary adventure in taco land!

Tacos are $3 and two is plenty to fill me up! Throw in a round of $1 taquitos and you've spent a whopping $7 on handcrafted tacos filled with pulled chicken, carnitas (my #1), fish (C's #1), or beef.  I love finding new places that I actually want to go back to and can actually go on a weeknight without feeling like a splurge.

I love tacos (and obvi pb&j from a recent post....does my diet seem odd?) and I especially love juicy gringo tacos on a flour tortilla.  What makes it gringo? Well, my friend, crunchy lettuce and ripe tomato make this taco a gringo masterpiece.

Don't Look Back - go!


Spirited Art

A fun new spot has opened in our area that allows you to have a glass of wine, enjoy a snack and paint a masterpiece! Spirited Art is a fantastic idea - one that I wish I had thought of myself. You don't need to be overly artistic or an acrylic master. You just have to be good at following directions and ok with the concept of blending artistic license while knowing what the end product will look like.
It's fun watching your piece transform! Mom and I painted the Lee Monument and thankfully, started with a stencil that we traced onto our canvas. Our teacher taught us how to blend paints, create shadows, make trees and paint a stone-like effect on the monument. Everyone's painting looked the same yet different. I love how my mom made her grass so textured and how another student in the class made her sky more of a turquoise. This class could be such a fun life study - even when shown what the "answer" is, we each take a slightly different path and interpret color, shape, size and texture in our own special way.
I would love to go back to paint some more! An art wall courtesy of moi is slowly taking shape...

*i'm trying to play with the new BlogPress app and my photos keep publishing fuzzy! Any ideas why? Click on the photo below and it will be sparkly and clear!

Location:Spirited Art


Baptism Sunday!

We celebrated the baptism of our favorite little girl this weekend!  It was a really special morning and wonderful to meet the family of our great friends - Brianna & Jeremiah.

The homemade touches at brunch after the baptism were so special - homemade quiche with adorable printed tags, a handmade tablecloth made from fabrics used in baby S's weekly photo sessions, mini tissue paper pom-poms (adorable!), and lightly sprinkled sugar cookies in the shape of the cross.  Beautiful!

We love having this family as wonderful friends are are so excited to watch sweet baby S grow up and become quite the little lady!

how cute is she!?!?

baby S made everyone laugh with a cute sneeze on stage.  What a ham!

bacon, onion & cheese - my favorite!

smooches to the sweetest, squishiest and most snuggle-filled baby! xoxo