About Me

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I am a happily married new mom who loves exploring, creating new adventures and loving on my sweet daughter. I am a K-2 teacher who is now staying at home with my little one! Welcome as I explore all things a part of my sweet city love!
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I haven't written in months - three long, beautiful, most incredible in my life months.  I have been thinking of when and how to start back up and was filled with incredible love and inspiration today and knew it was time to write.

Yesterday, evil destroyed a joyous and powerful day for thousands of runners during the Boston Marathon.  As I was watching the news coverage yesterday, I was snuggling my sweet girl and thinking how I would explain something as this as she gets older.  I practiced yesterday and told her that she was safe. I told her that even though some people do bad things, she is always safe with her family.  LC snuggled deeper and sucked on her little hands and I was hit hard by the raw pureness that is my sweet girl.  She deserves all that is good in this world.  I will do everything possible to show her that good and shield her from the evil that can creep into our lives.

Sarah from Fairytales Are True, posted a letter to her son.  It was inspiring and brought tears to my eyes and spoke to my core. Below is her letter and it is the truest of anything I have ever read.

And to my dearest {LC},
one day you will read about yesterday.  maybe in a history book. 
it is a stark reminder that the devil is hard at work. 
You'll have lots of those reminders throughout your life.  I wish this was not the case. 
but you'll also have reminders how good people are.  
how people become the hands and feet of God.  
i hope you know that the story of yesterday also holds:
people running to give blood in the hospital.  people helping in anyway they could.  people running toward the bomb, to help a victim.  
i hope you remember the words of some seemingly silly guy in a sweater who shared his wisdom with all.

may you always be the first to help, lend a hand, give blood.  

your mama

Beauty is in those who help, who serve and who give themselves to others.  My sweet girl, may you always be the first to help,{and} lend a hand...

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