About Me

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I am a happily married new mom who loves exploring, creating new adventures and loving on my sweet daughter. I am a K-2 teacher who is now staying at home with my little one! Welcome as I explore all things a part of my sweet city love!
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The Crib Transition

We are trying to make the transition from Rock N Play (a bassinet of sorts) to crib.  It's so not as easy or as seamless as I wished for.  The bassinet keeps her snuggled and cozy and the crib...well, it's just so big and cavern-like.  After researching tips and tricks online, I settled on one that makes her crib look pretty high-tech.  We've stuffed pillows underneath to raise her mattress and rolled up two blankets under her sheets to create bolsters.  I know, I know - "do not put ANYTHING in the crib with your baby."  It's ok, we're watching her and she's yet to spend a full night in her crib. We're just tackling naps so far - and that's a struggle.  The bolsters and incline are helping but we can tell her naps are not as restful as they are in the bassinet. Friends last night suggested moving her from bassinet to crib when she's super drowsy and won't really notice a change - great idea! I think we might try that tonight.  In good news, baby girl is out of her swaddle! I feel like that's a major hurdle that we are over - thanks to LC and her desire to be a free woman! It is so cute, when she is in her crib, she sleeps with her arms fully extended (in a T shape)...I think she likes the new space, she just doesn't quite know how to handle it all just yet.

We had a rainy weekend here in Virginia, so we played a lot inside and LC got introduced to her Jumparoo!  She wasn't so sure at the beginning...but is starting to really like it! She spins around (not so much bouncing up and down) but thinks it's pretty cool to be standing on those feet.  She'll be visiting it today as she watches mommy organize her newborn and 0-3 month clothes for storage (ahhh oh my gosh).

The weekend starting off with a little date with her birthday twin friend!

Our first date night since LC was born.  It felt great to go out to dinner and enjoy some time together, just the two of us.

 Jump! Jump!

LC was practicing rolling from back to side on Saturday!

Our rigged crib...pre-bolster


Is 30 The New 20?

This TED talk has been shared around on Facebook.  I am so glad I took the time to watch it. I wanted to save the video here so I can come back to it if the mood strikes!  Motherhood has made me so much more confident of a person.  I'm not sure if that's a normal reaction to having a 7 pound bundle of love join your family, but I feel more myself that I ever have.  I no longer feel like I need to be this idealized "me" (does that make sense?) but instead feel more confident in who I am, right now, at this moment.  I am the mother of a beautiful baby girl and that, just by itself, makes me feel pretty good.  I've also been thinking that as her mom, she will look to me for inspiration, for help in building her own self confidence and for support in all of the joys and struggles that life brings.  I have to make sure that I work on my best self so I can show her how to always reach for her dreams...

Quotes that really spoke to me from this TED talk:
"Do something that's an investment in who you might want to be next."
"Explore work and make it count."
"Invest in your identity capital."

Sometimes things come into your life at just the right time.  I've been thinking about who I want to become next and this might just be the catalyst I need...!


Slow down, baby!

Our baby has blossomed! We have a drooling, happy, smiley baby now who is wearing 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers! Woah!!!! When did this happen? She is such a joy as her personality is really starting to shine.  My prediction - we have an independent, opinionated thinker of a little girl on our hands who is loving, charming and really, really special.  She is pretty incredible.

Also, my Tog & Porter box came yesterday! I'm meeting with my stylist tomorrow to review the items and will post about it soon.  Upon first glance, I am really, really happy with everything :)


Tea Cups

Traditions have been started.  Isn't that one of the greatest joys of being a parent? You get to set up for your children what will become timeless traditions, stories that they will tell their children one day and things to look forward to each and every year.  My husband started one of those traditions on this very special FIRST Mother's Day for me :)  I've been wanting to start collecting tea cups for awhile but just haven't gotten started.  I want a dainty cup to sip out of, a cup that has a story and one that makes drinking tea an experience, a reason to stop and enjoy the little things in life. 

 LC got me my first tea cup this year.  The hubby thought this is a tradition that we could start (cue tears).  Every year, our children will pick out a tea cup for mother's day.  It could be one they choose, one they paint themselves, one that tells the story of a memory or a place we've been or one they think their mommy would like.  Once they are grown, I'll have a beautiful collection that tells the story of our lives.  Beautiful.  My husband I tell you...he's a keeper :)


A Nap Time Job

I have a great sleeper of a child. I know I am blessed, lucky, should thank the sleep gods and shout praises everyday! So, what I'm about to say may cause much eye-rolling, huffing and puffing, but...I need a job.  Somedays, LC will take two 3-hour naps.  Other days, she'll take just one long nap and somedays her naps will be only 1-hour each.  Nonetheless, I have some time on my hands.  I know these naps won't last all that long and that in a month or so (or maybe sooner?), I'll be begging her to sleep, but today, at this moment, I need something to do.

 I'm a teacher - I'm used to running around NON-STOP all day long.  Now, parenting aside (we're super active and it is quite exhausting when she's awake), this once busy-bee needs something to keep me occupied.  I need help! I need ideas! I even dreamed last night that I was excited to go back to work - something I haven't really considered until now.  I think my mind is needing more stimulation.  What is a side job I could pick up? Should I take an online class? I'm not all that crafty so you amazing moms who make cute onesies, hair bows and bloomers...I'm not one of you. I need a job for nap time.  There's only so much "cleaning the house" I can do (I actually despise cleaning and want to hire someone to do that for me...), blogs I can read and coffee I can drink.  Help!


What I'm Loving Wednesday

Happy to be linking up with Jamie today!

1. I'm loving my morning cup of Joe.  It truly makes me feel better.

2. I'm loving inspirational quotes.  This one is from Jamie today on her blog! It spoke to me and warms my soul.

3. I'm loving Leah over at Everyday Love who wrote about the joys and struggles of being a first time mom.  Again, my heart swelled with love for my little girl.

"But that is honestly the one thing I would tell new and soon to be moms.  
It is the best job you will ever have. 
It is the hardest job you will ever have. 
The days will be long. 
The years will be short. 
Don't beat yourself up because things are going as you originally planned. 
Let your baby be your guide.  
Your baby will tell you what he/she needs. 
Things will workout in the time they are supposed to and how. 
Soak up the cuddles and ask for help when you need it. 
Give all the love in the world.  

Just remember, there is no such thing as a perfect mom.
All you can really do is try your best, learn from your mistakes and enjoy each stage. 

Most importantly, get ready to experience a love like no other. "

4. I'm loving my sweet girl and how she has started sleeping sans swaddle!!! She sleeps in her Rock N Play every night (these are two post-milk naps).  The next step is transitioning from bassinet to crib...

4.  I'm loving that we have tried our best to travel with LC and help her build flexibility and comfort even when things aren't exactly the same as they are at home.

5. I love the relief that washes over me when we walk through our front door.  This little girl has brought an entire new feeling to "home."

6. I'm loving this adorable chair! I can picture LC sitting in it during cocktail/milk hour at the river :)

7. I'm loving this sweet life...


How to Remember

LC is almost 14 weeks - oh.my.gosh! I spent about an hour the other day pouring through pictures of her on her birth day and the weeks after.  I was going to print a bunch and put them together in an album.  Easy enough, right? Oh my gosh, I was an emotional mess and froze.  How could I possibly begin?! Each picture is a treasured memory.  Even the mess-ups are special and tell our story.  I need suggestions on how to begin. I don't want the years to pass by and I don't have any printed pictures.  Computers and iphones are great but they just doesn't take the place of a photo album.  I need an LC brag book that doesn't include me saying to friends and family "Let me show you my favorite LC pictures! Do you have a minute? Here, scroll through these 3,000 pictures."  

How do you save these most special memories to remember forever?


A Little Help Along the Way


So we are three months in to this "raising a baby" thing.  And, so far, it's been pretty incredible.  It's been so different than I thought but filled with more joy and love that I could have imagined.  I've already said many times and thought even more, I cannot imagine doing this on my own.  Being a single parent must be one of the hardest things to do in the entire world.  My goodness, LC is not even on the move yet and I already feel like I need 8 arms to do it all (including a little help when the dog knocks me down while carrying LC and cleaning up his doody...ugh!).

When we first moved here, I was 8 weeks pregnant.  It was all so new and so exciting.  It still blows my mind to think that was my little LC in there - going through all these life changes with us.  I wonder if she liked that trip to Denver we took? Did she feel my happiness at Christmas? Did she enjoy that massage? Anyway, after living here for only a few weeks, I joined a first time moms group. We were all first time moms and all due within 2 months of each other. Amazing, right?!  I knew that I couldn't go at this adventure alone.  These girls have already been a huge rock for me and my little girl.  We went through our pregnancies together, our deliveries together and now the adventures of motherhood.  I've told the husband, big C (all of the people/fur babies in our house begin with C...hence LC...little C), that no matter where we each go in our lives, these women will have been through the most life changing moment with me.  It'll be the type of relationship where years down the road we can reconnect so easily, knowing we've been through this most vulnerable time together.  It's pretty special.  We all send numerous emails a day asking anything from "what books do I read to my baby?" to "why won't he take a nap?!"  It helps to know that help is out there.  That there are other women who are going the same thing, with the same joys and the same struggles, makes it all seem a little more manageable.

I'm proud of what I am doing, what we are doing.  I'm happier than I have ever been and I feel strong knowing that when I need it, I have a little help along the way from a really great group of moms.


Body After Baby

I'm working on getting rid of this baby pooch - it's still hanging out waaaay to far.  I loved every minute of my pregnancy (seriously, I'm one of those weirdos who LOVED being pregnant!) and don't wish anything different.  However, I do wish I could take back a few of the brownies, muffins, cakes and pies sweet people brought us after LC was born.  I swear, that's where this pooch came from.  I ate healthy during my pregnancy but fell victim to my major sweet tooth in the crazy few weeks after she was born. Also, no one tells you how nursing makes you starving!

I've been trying a few different things to get my body moving again.  I have about 15 pounds I would like to lose and am trying it in a few ways.

1. Long walks with LC and Charlie (and the husband when he's home!)
2. Postpartum pilates
3. Barre 

I had my first Barre class last night at Lava Barre and really, really liked it! I felt like it was a great complement to pilates.  We used more weights and I felt muscles being worked and strengthened that pilates can miss.  I can't wait to start feeling stronger!  Hopefully these classes will also help strengthen my knees, which are weak and sore a lot of the time (ugh to bad knees!). I'm not looking for a rock solid body, just a more toned, post-baby me :) Here's to a new workout!