We celebrated 13 weeks with our sweet little one on Friday! If you squint really, really hard you might start to see a little bump (or pudge). I'm definitely starting to feel like I'm growing all over and have been feeling some major growing pains these last few days. The little one even made my belly upset this weekend for the first time over these past 13 weeks - just a little hello from inside!
Size of Baby: the size of a peach (according to thebump.com)...about 2.9 inches from rump to crown. His/her body is starting to play catch up to that large head - which is now about 1/3 the size of his/her body
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I was up 4 lbs as of my last dr visit (2 weeks ago)...and I actually think it's still about the same now. How did I gain weight so quickly!? Eeek!
We have a scale in the house, but it needs batteries and I have been forgetful and have not gotten them at the store yet - I'm afraid for the day that I do.
Maternity Clothes: I haven't had to buy any Maternity clothes yet! I have a feeling the bellaband is going to be a wardrobe staple very, very soon.
Gender: ?? The family seems to think girl so I will say a boy
...but I really have no clue!
Movement: none yet...but I cant wait for the movement to start
flutters are supposed to start in about 3 weeks!!!
Sleep: pretty good...
but getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom is really no fun at all :)
What I miss: nothing....maybe a glass of wine with dinner
Cravings: nothing really! I'm always loving pizza (which is nothing new) :)
Aversions: nothing really!
Symptoms: my face is breaking out horribly! I'm hoping that will calm down in the coming weeks...
Best Moment This Week: Sharing more and more about our little one with friends. I've loved feeling pulls and tugs inside because that means he/she is growing! I also can't wait to hear the heartbeat again in 2 weeks!
We also told our most favorite pup the news and thought he could pose for some pictures. With his squirming, wiggling and rolling over - we didn't get a single one that I loved. Nonetheless, these outtakes are pretty great. Love that little man!
"What! A big brother?? Hide me."
"I'll sit here - but I won't smile"
"Will you still love me???"
"Oh yeah - I'm excited! And, can I have a belly rub?"
"I'm sleepy now...shhh"