About Me

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I am a happily married new mom who loves exploring, creating new adventures and loving on my sweet daughter. I am a K-2 teacher who is now staying at home with my little one! Welcome as I explore all things a part of my sweet city love!
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Thank Goodness!

As life is swirling by faster than the speed of light - I found this quote today that brought a little peace to my heart.

Summer is officially here, my classroom is all packed up, we are living in a new house in a new city and C just started a new job today.  Oh, and there's even more (pretty spectacular) news that will be saved for another day! That's a lot of "new" in only a few short weeks.  So much to write, to share, to dream about.  I can't wait to bring back a little Sweet City Love to my life this summer.  Cheers!